Saturday, August 20, 2011


Thinking back on a comfortable phone conversation I had with a very dear sister-in-Christ who lives in another state, I wondered why I couldn't do the same with God. I had just prepared a cappuccino to drink while I sat to relax when she called. As Christian sisters we spoke of the many things of concern on our minds, and then she asked my permission to pray with me over the phone, saying she didn't know how I felt about it. In that I felt her loving presence, I saw no difference whether over the phone or by my side holding my hand. I also knew God was there with each of us as surely as we were with one another. So in considering the start of this blog, my question was why would it make a difference to God whether I "talked" to Him with words spoken in a whisper, out loud, through a song (all seemingly acceptable ways), or by my words written and shared on the computer.

Additionally, I feel I spend far too much time doing nothing of lasting consequence, little that I consider of value. I hope to use CAPPUCCINO CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD as a reminder to reach out more often to God. My aim is to take time with God much as I do when the phone rings and I have conversations with my friends, or when I take time to sit down to relax away from the busy-ness of the day with a cup of cappuccino. After all, God is my Father, ever ready to listen to whatever I have to tell Him, whether it be concern or praise, if I’m standing up or sitting down, using whispers or written words.

" ... and He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own ... "

M. Sue 8-20-2011


  1. WooHoo! You know, I posted a blog the other day on my 'writing blog' I think it was called conformity, and how people invite God in to sit at their table but as the garbage of the day surrounds them, they look up and realize God was sitting there the whole time, and they go on and ask, "Can I get ya a beer." It was in that moment that I, too wanted to start a Godly blog, since my writing blog should be about writing. :)

    But maybe I'll have a Godly blog to visit!!! :)

    Thank you! God is good!


    I will follow you as soon
    as the follow box is visible!

  2. Thank you for coming by to visit!
    I read that article on your blog the other day, Joni. Maybe that planted a seed to remind me to re-do this blog that I had as an unseen one started in March of 2010. I am not aware that it did, but our minds work in amazing ways!
    I think I have the "Follower" button set properly now.
    Sending smiles~M. Sue

  3. What do you know? I had to reset Firefox to accept third party cookies.

    I love your idea. I used to send out cyber invitations for a virtual tea party. Far away friends shared cuppa, chit chat, God's blessings, and prayers. I imagine you sitting at my table Marilyn Sue, and I at yours.
